Tuesday 26 August 2014

Stitch from Stash Update: August

Hello friends! As we know, it's been a slow stitching month for me. I've been finding more joy in books rather than needle and thread recently, which is fine, but I am truly missing getting stuck into a good project. I haven't spent any money this month, even though we were given a bonus to use. However, I can see an order to Sew and So in the near future, I need some new starts! 

So onto the stitching. I suppose both of these count as WIPs, even though I've stitched as much as I can on Barnyard. My main stitching supplies (including my sewing machine) arrive on Friday and I cannot wait to go stash diving :)

Current projects:

Here's where I'm up to on Barnyard. Silly me for not packing white thread! Of all the colours to forget, honestly :P I'm missing the filling in on the barn, and the tree is missing its trunk, but I'm sure I will get it finished by next month.

And I have done a little bit more on Christmas Pudding since my last update too. I love it enough to want to finish it, but I'm only working on it on my days off when I have the patience for it :) I will be delighted when the actual pudding is finished and I can move on to the cute mouse.

That's all from me today. I'm currently looking for a more permanent place to live in Southampton. I'm currently living in a shared house but I'm branching out and looking for my own one-bed place. It's very exciting! My job is going well too, I'm still enjoying the work, it changes on a day-to-day basis. Still, there's nothing like a day off is there :)
 Best wishes to all.


Tricia said...

So glad you are enjoying your work! You are going to have fun when your things come. It will be like seeing old friends to see your floss and sewing machine!

Dani - tkdchick said...

That is so frustrating when you don't pack the floss you need!!! I look forward to the finishes you'll have in the near future.

Carol said...

I'll bet looking for your own place would be lots of fun, Bekca--hope you find the perfect new home very soon :) Your WIPs are both looking great and I'm glad to hear you're enjoying your job!

Karoline said...

Both your projects look lovely. Good luck with the house hunting